Sunday, October 9, 2011

First Job Application

8:10 p.m.

Today, I picked up my first job application. I'm 14. I don't care if that seems too young, I feel like I need some sort of income. I feel like I have wasted free time that should be used for other things like working. I have also thought of stopping playing certain sports. It's unlikely because I have played baseball, basketball, and football since the day I could walk but I'm not the star of any of them and never have been. I'm closer to the bottom than I am to the top and I don't see any point of playing a sport that I won't be going to college for when I could use that time working on skills I will actually need for college and beyond (besides basketball). I love that sport to death.

Anyways the job application is for a grocery store. I'd start out bagging groceries and walking it out to people's cars. Eventually I'd get promoted to stocking shelves....making my way to the top. ;) I will be able to work almost everyday after school and on the weekends after football ends in two weeks but then I will have to venture to working weekends when basketball season starts up.

I haven't even turned in my application yet, but I don't see why they wouldn't want to hire me. (arrogance 1/2 intended) Just needed something to talk about today. Not gonna get my hopes up but I really feel like I need a job.

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