Wednesday, October 5, 2011

News, news, news.


Okay, so a lot has went down in the last two days. Well not a lot has went down, but I have gotten pretty good news. This isn't for sure by any means but there is a chance I will have job next summer doing graphic design and I'll get paid. That means I would miss summer workouts which sucks....not. I'll give more details if its actually true but I am super pumped for that because it means I can put money towards a car.

Second set of news is that I hit 20k on my YouTube channel which is if you are interested. I haven't been very active on there lately but that is because of school and because I haven't touched Call of Duty in over a month. See! I have a life, what were you thinking?

Also, the t-shirt design I was asked to make is almost done. I will post a final picture hopefully tomorrow or Friday night. That's all for now.

Hasta luego, amigos.

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