Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm Back

11:29 p.m.

Sorry everyone, I haven't posted since October 18th. I am back though. I gained more motivation today. I am only on three hours of sleep, which isn't terrible because I rarely get sleep during the week, which doesn't explain why I don't have time to post on this blog anymore. I am going to try to become more active again with this, and with my YouTube channel which I have been posting content, off and on.

Today, I was signing up for classes for my 4-Year plan at my high school and I realized that the next four years of my life are going to be a challenge. Call me crazy, but I am doubling up on science for the next two years. That is insane because I hate science, but I figured I might as well get it out of the way. I also decided to drop academic English for next year and just be put in a "regular" class. My teacher suggested it because I am planning to go into the technology/mathematics/computer/ whatever field when I get to that point whether its college or after, so she said that I should focus on skills I will need in that area and reading folklores and epics aren't exactly the requirements for that career field.

I have been playing MW3 a shit ton, I am 2nd prestige, level 38 at this point right now, if anyone is curious. I love the game. I enjoy it a lot more then I did Black Ops and it is growing to be more addictive than MW2 was, so that is a good sign.

During the past week and a half, I had my iPod touch stolen. It was a huge deal to me. For one, all I do all day at school is tweet and listen to music (even though I should be focusing on living up to my mother's expectations of being a valedictorian and paying attention in class). Fortunately, however, someone I know, thankfully came across a way to get it back and it is now back into my possession. This brings up a very serious topic. I am very sensitive in the subject of stealing things that are as valuable and expensive as for example, my iPod touch. I HATE the idea of someone stealing something that does not belong to them and taking something of which they did not earn. Coincidentally, my friend's iPod touch was jacked today and this adds onto a huge list of my friends whose iPod's have been snatched in the same exact locker room in which I suspect it to be the same exact fucking thief. I know who it is. And I hope that person gets caught and faces severe consequences. I'm not trying to sound queer, but its just not fair for someone to do that just to make money off of selling it, which is what would have happened to mine if my friend wouldn't have gotten it back for me.
Anyways, I will be posting more often.


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