Monday, December 19, 2011

Skyrim, Skyrim, Skyrim!


Two days ago, I bribed my dad into buying Skyrim for me for the almighty PS3 and I have been playing it ever since. It is sooooo addicting.

If you don't know what Skyrim is, it is the 3rd game in the series, the last one was Oblivion if that rings any bells. I had never heard of it. I usually am not into RPG's (Role Playing Games) but for some reason Skyrim draws my attention. I'm not into the whole dragon, fake, fiction shit but idk, Skyrim is just awesome. I heard there is over 6000 hours of gameplay within the game in which I have only played for like 6 hours. I'm a level 5 and just gotten through a few quests. I'm liking it more than MW3 at the moment which I haven't played much. I'll hop back on COD the day of, or after Christmas, to jump in with the Christmas noobs.

Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm Back

11:29 p.m.

Sorry everyone, I haven't posted since October 18th. I am back though. I gained more motivation today. I am only on three hours of sleep, which isn't terrible because I rarely get sleep during the week, which doesn't explain why I don't have time to post on this blog anymore. I am going to try to become more active again with this, and with my YouTube channel which I have been posting content, off and on.

Today, I was signing up for classes for my 4-Year plan at my high school and I realized that the next four years of my life are going to be a challenge. Call me crazy, but I am doubling up on science for the next two years. That is insane because I hate science, but I figured I might as well get it out of the way. I also decided to drop academic English for next year and just be put in a "regular" class. My teacher suggested it because I am planning to go into the technology/mathematics/computer/ whatever field when I get to that point whether its college or after, so she said that I should focus on skills I will need in that area and reading folklores and epics aren't exactly the requirements for that career field.

I have been playing MW3 a shit ton, I am 2nd prestige, level 38 at this point right now, if anyone is curious. I love the game. I enjoy it a lot more then I did Black Ops and it is growing to be more addictive than MW2 was, so that is a good sign.

During the past week and a half, I had my iPod touch stolen. It was a huge deal to me. For one, all I do all day at school is tweet and listen to music (even though I should be focusing on living up to my mother's expectations of being a valedictorian and paying attention in class). Fortunately, however, someone I know, thankfully came across a way to get it back and it is now back into my possession. This brings up a very serious topic. I am very sensitive in the subject of stealing things that are as valuable and expensive as for example, my iPod touch. I HATE the idea of someone stealing something that does not belong to them and taking something of which they did not earn. Coincidentally, my friend's iPod touch was jacked today and this adds onto a huge list of my friends whose iPod's have been snatched in the same exact locker room in which I suspect it to be the same exact fucking thief. I know who it is. And I hope that person gets caught and faces severe consequences. I'm not trying to sound queer, but its just not fair for someone to do that just to make money off of selling it, which is what would have happened to mine if my friend wouldn't have gotten it back for me.
Anyways, I will be posting more often.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

"The List"

Head start on tuition

4:17 p.m.

If you are interested in getting a head start on paying for your college tuition you should try Scholarship Points @

Monday, October 10, 2011


6:53 p.m.

I figured out how make up to maybe around $6000/year. On top of the job, I'm hopefully getting, I am going to write articles, stories, poems, etc. for the Yahoo! Contributor Network and eventually you can make quite a bit of money. $6000 might be a high number right now but I could see it happening if this is legit. From what I heard it is. I just need to put my journalism pants on.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

please help. please.

Okay, if you read the title already then you can pretty much guess I need some sort of help. I have been making YouTube videos of me playing video games (Call of Duty, NCAA, etc) for quite a while and I really liked it and I still kinda do but it gets kind of old and to think about it, a lot of people already do it. Those who started awhile ago, way before I did, are the ones who are successful in getting views and income from YouTube in the gaming field.

I think I am going to be done with it. I'm only known by those who I already know it's honestly going nowhere. BUT, I do not want to give up on YouTube. I think the YouTube Partner Program is a piece of cake as long as you have the right idea. I need one. I'm asking anyone that can give me and idea of videos to make that will hopefully get popular. I need something original. Something you want to see that you have never seen before. Anything. I'm gonna tweet this out and most of those who read this probably know me and didn't know that I even made YouTube videos and just thought the name 'TreyDa6' was an inside joke. And you probably didn't know I had a blog, off of which I am posting this on.

Anyways, please help.


First Job Application

8:10 p.m.

Today, I picked up my first job application. I'm 14. I don't care if that seems too young, I feel like I need some sort of income. I feel like I have wasted free time that should be used for other things like working. I have also thought of stopping playing certain sports. It's unlikely because I have played baseball, basketball, and football since the day I could walk but I'm not the star of any of them and never have been. I'm closer to the bottom than I am to the top and I don't see any point of playing a sport that I won't be going to college for when I could use that time working on skills I will actually need for college and beyond (besides basketball). I love that sport to death.

Anyways the job application is for a grocery store. I'd start out bagging groceries and walking it out to people's cars. Eventually I'd get promoted to stocking shelves....making my way to the top. ;) I will be able to work almost everyday after school and on the weekends after football ends in two weeks but then I will have to venture to working weekends when basketball season starts up.

I haven't even turned in my application yet, but I don't see why they wouldn't want to hire me. (arrogance 1/2 intended) Just needed something to talk about today. Not gonna get my hopes up but I really feel like I need a job.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

6:41 pm

Uploaded a new video today to YouTube...I applied for YouTube partnership program last night and was rejected earlier today. Nbd, though. I haven't posted anything in weeks which is my fault...well mostly school's fault. I am trying to get back in it.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

News, news, news.


Okay, so a lot has went down in the last two days. Well not a lot has went down, but I have gotten pretty good news. This isn't for sure by any means but there is a chance I will have job next summer doing graphic design and I'll get paid. That means I would miss summer workouts which sucks....not. I'll give more details if its actually true but I am super pumped for that because it means I can put money towards a car.

Second set of news is that I hit 20k on my YouTube channel which is if you are interested. I haven't been very active on there lately but that is because of school and because I haven't touched Call of Duty in over a month. See! I have a life, what were you thinking?

Also, the t-shirt design I was asked to make is almost done. I will post a final picture hopefully tomorrow or Friday night. That's all for now.

Hasta luego, amigos.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Okay, yeah I'm blogging a lot tonight. Shoot me. Just came across this new app that is on Facebook called Spotify. It's supposed to help you find new music faster and its also linked to your iTunes. I don't know but this is pretty cool so far. Go ahead, type in "Spotify" into the search bar at the top of your Facebook and download the shit. Pretty awesome.

My Playlist:

11:10 p.m.

I've been asked to create a t-shirt design for an event by a pretty well known place in my town. Last time I made a t-shirt design it looked like this (left): Though it look pretty good, when we went to print it, I had the wrong format. A professional graphics dude, who I have come to know pretty well, introduced me to using vector files and to do that I am going to attempt to use Adobe Illustrator. We'll see how that goes. I'm usually pretty good at learning new programs very quickly but I'm not the best artist in the world.

The Social Network

10:33 p.m.

The Social Network, based on what Mark Zuckerberg went through during the creation of one of the biggest social networks on the internet is now one of my favorite movies. It has made me think a lot about what I want to do in my future and I recently made the decision to focus on computer science just like Mark Zuckerberg. Obviously, I have no idea how to program or write code, YET. BUT, I am starting to look into different languages and next semester I'm taking Basic Web Page design which is mainly html code. I have some experience but not what you would say, programmer. I am really interested in this stuff. That's all.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New to Blogger

Okay, so here I am. My name is Treyton but I go by the alias of TreyDa6. I've only seen someone blog once and that was off of the movie Social Network and it looked pretty sweet. Seemed like Twitter without the character limit. All I have to say is the Mark Zuckerberg looks like he could type fast. I guess he's a billionaire programmer. I plan on just blogging random things and I'm going to check out other blogs in order to get the hang of this. I'm just starting this as a new hobby and maybe make money from Google AdSense. That is if anyone actually reads this. I don't know anyone personally that actually blogs so this is a pretty new subject to me. Well that's all for now. I'm going to bed.